Day 22 - Geiranger

Arrived in Geiranger at 7.00am this morning and moored just off shore.  Transferred to the village by tender boat and explored this small town with winding streets  Located on the fjord at the base of a beautiful backdrop of mountains Geiranger was eager to show us their wares.  We purchased a block of brown cheese which we shared with Clarice and Gerald over pre dinner drinks on our balcony.

In the tender boat (life boat) which transfers 2500 to shore when anchored off shore.

An RV park alongside the fjord.

Electric cars ready to hire.

Cruising up a deep and narrow fjord with waterfalls and snow copped mountains setting the scene.

The Captain certainly came close to this one for a better view.

They were certainly spectacular and very common.

Snow melt produces some spectacular views.

When you speak to the table allocation manager in Indonesian, this is the special table he arranged.  This view was at the very stern of the ship which we enjoyed as we cruised through the fjords.  We spoke a few broken words in Indonesia every night and always got a great table with a view.


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