Day 14 Matera

As we stepped on to the platform to view the sites early this morning, we were amazed at what we saw.  We were in Matera for the day and were looking at the most amazing sights over the old city.
These stone houses were clinging on to the side of a very steep ravine, all close together on winding streets.  We then realised that we could only see the front portion of each house as the major part had been dug into the limestone cliffs.
The residents here were living in caves and the government of the day in early 1960 passed a law that all 20,000 should leave and move into government provided homes near the city.
The old town was fenced off and became derelict for 15 years until UNESCO convinced the government to allow the restoration of the area.  Now 35 years later the majority of homes have been restored and turned into a tourist haven with restaurants shopping and gift shops everywhere.
There are hotels and many churches throughout, I can only hope the photos give you a small indication of the incredible result.

The following photos are all of the historic centre called the Sassi, city of stones that is made up of a complex of houses, churches, monasteries and hermitages built into natural caves (enlarged).
Time does not allow me to label each one but you can glean by the number I have put on the blog that we were very impressed with the sights today.  The last photo shows how they dug into the almost vertical ravine.
The government moved the residents out as they were embarrassed by the conditions they were living under.  Cold and damp in the winter and poor so the compulsory move was essential for their health and well being. 


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