Day 3 Palermo
Our flight over to Dubai was a bumpy ride with little sleep, after 30 hours we arrived in Palermo after losing sight of our cases at Rome. Expecting not to see them for several days at least, there they were in the baggage claim area at Palermo. We booked them to Rome so how they got to Palermo is still a mystery !
Market stalls negotiate for space with motorbikes and tourists.
Plenty of Piazzas, pidgeons and peddlars of horse drawn carriages.
Around a corner and yet another church and obelisk.
Magnificent interior of the Catholic Church near our hotel.
Winding streets in the old town of Palermo.
View over the harbour from our lunch restaurant. What about the weather, 28C and clear blue skies.
Palermo is the capital city of Sicily which covers a very large area. Cars, trucks, motor bikes, scooters, and bicycles require a great deal of respect by pedestrians.
Judy looking good at Dubai airport after very little sleep.
Dubai airport keeps getting bigger and better.
Even has caviar and champagne for the weary traveller.
This is the court yard at the Borsa Piazza Hotel in the old town of Palermo.
The winding streets around the old city.
Judy doing some hard bargaining with the owner for her hat.
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